Words and actions may fade from memory, but you will always remember how something made you feel. Meet the flavour-boosting team of Pixel Onions on a mission to create amazing web experiences.
Delivering better customer experiences

Joyce Lau

Kelvin Chia

Shawn Looi

Bowie Chang

Jun Long

Alejandro Madrigal

Eugene Sia

Mark John Buenconsejo
Supporting the Drupal Community in Singapore
There are more Content Management Systems out there than you can shake a stick at. But what makes Drupal special, is its community. Drupal was born on the principle of community, a creation by Dries Buytaert and Hans Snijder in their college dorms for a group of friends to connect with each other. After more than a decade, Drupal has not only survived, but evolved into a fully fledged enterprise-worthy CMS. Not bad for a project that is purely community-driven. We are part of this wonderful community, and we want to do our part to help it grow.

We organise annual Drupal Camps and monthly Drupal Meetups
Drupal meetups are a great way for people to get together and explore and learn more about Drupal. This is the place where ninjas and newbies can mingle, ask questions, share knowledge and build relationships with one another. Drupal camps are essentially extensions of Drupal meetups. A meetup usually lasts an hour or two, while a camp can be a one or two day event. We like organising Drupal camps because we want the local Drupal community to share all the cool stuff they know with each other.

We are a member of the Drupal Association
By becoming a member of the Drupal Association, we are supporting the Drupal Association's mission to foster and support the Drupal community by maintaining Drupal.org infrastructure, provide DrupalCon scholarships and Community Cultivation Grants, host DrupalCons and many other community initiatives.

Acquia ready partner
As an Acquia partner, we are part of a network of talented Drupal service providers who leverage on each other to provide the best solutions for our clients.